Friday, May 6, 2011

Gra Gra Gra Granola

Yes, sing along like you are rocking to the tune Lola by the Kinks. Or do you remember Lola Granola from Bloom County? Either are fun things to start your morning.  Do you need to eat better in the morning while rocking out or reading comic strips from long ago?  If you are not a toast eater (see my post on Bread the old-fashioned way) I highly recommend granola with a little milk or better yet yogurt.  Every month or so I make a big batch of granola - it keeps!  I get out my big roasting pan, jar of honey and the requisite peanut butter.  You see, peanut butter is a staple of every breakfast in our household.  Peanut butter on toast, on french toast, on get the idea. 

Now, on to the recipe, which originally came from Sweet Desserts - a cookbook for diabetics that I'm not sure you can find anymore.  I have adapted it over the years, but the basic recipe is the following: 4 cups of rolled oats to a 1/2 cup liquid sweetener (fruit syrup, honey, agave syrup, etc.)  and a 1/2 cup peanut butter (almond or other nut butters would probably work, too).  Heat the sweetener and peanut butter together over low heat.  Stir into oats and place in a 9x13 and bake at 250 degrees for an hour stirring every 15-20 minutes.  Let cool slightly and add dried fruits of your choosing and let it cool.  I dare you to keep from nibbling while it cools!  I can never resist.

Now what I do is make at least double that much and add interesting rolled grains rather than just oats.  Cut back the oats and add rolled barley, rye or wheat.  I tend to keep it about 2/3 oats, though.  I also add things like flax seed, oat bran, and/or wheat germ.  I also add something fun, light and  such as puffed rice or cheerios.  My current fruits of choice are dried blueberries, cranberries (the orange-scented ones from Trader Joe's are great), raisins, golden raisins, chopped candied ginger (!), and currants.

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