Friday, April 22, 2011


Happy Easter everyone!

Easter always makes me want good comfort food.  Fond memories of Easter's past in my family's home.  My mother and grandmothers were terrific cooks and we'd await easter dinner with great anticipation.  When we were old enough, we had the privilege of helping in the kitchen, whether it was mashing the potatoes or putting marshmallows on top of the sweet potatoes and watching them brown to perfection.

While those deeply browned marshmallow sweet potatoes were to die for as a child, my tastes have changed and last night we enjoyed a most wonderful aged sheep cheese called Cazelle de Saint Affrique by Herve Mons in southern France.  It had a melt-in-your mouth creamy inside with a slightly nutty flavor.  The outside rind was soft and lent just the slightest tanginess.

We're still on the hunt for the perfect wine-pairing.  Suggestions are welcome!

We followed this with roasted cauliflower (a post for another day) and asparagus, Indian potatoes with black mustard seeds (my new favorite potato recipe from my favorite magazine, Sunset), and grilled flat iron steak powdered with Arizona Rattlesnake Rub.  A fruity malbec to accompany the meal and we were satiated.  What a lovely pre-Easter dinner.

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